Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Designed with a friend in mind

I have an IVF friend (go clams!) that is madly in love with lime. I have a lime plate set in my etsy store- , but it might be too big for her. So Anjie, here is a smaller gem for you. This is a lovely 4" by 4" candle holder. It is in a streaky lime glass and has the kelly green stripes for drama. I will be listing it in my shop later, but you know you want it so email me!

Or as they say in Hollywood-"Call me-we'll do lunch". Of course, everyone does lunch these days so why does Hollywood think it's so special?

In other news....I am having surgery for a deviated septum tomorrow! Tomorrow? YIKES! Fairly routine so all should be fine. I hope!

Be good, people!
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1 comment:

Erica said...

I hope your septum surgery went well, my dear! Speedy recovery!