Thursday, August 30, 2007

Skeleton Head

Hi to all-this guy was done as part of the Etsy Glass Artist's "GOTH CHALLENGE"-create something goth out of glass. He is goth all right. I decided he looks hungry! Beware! He is 5" by 5" art plaque on a wrought iron candle stand. He is available in my etsy shop currently. Perfect for Halloween or if this is your every day decor.............heh-heh!

In other news, Keelin was at CHOC Emergency room on Sunday night/Monday morning. SOme kind of virus causing profuse barf and a 104 degree fever. With her history we can't take chances. We were there for 9 hours trying to get her fever down. They got it down to 102.8 and sent her home after a bunch of blood work and IV fluids. Poor thing. She has a cold now and is running me ragged.............but hey! It is what it is!

Jared is off track for a month so that ought to be fun. Entertaining a 4th grader and a toddler. TOo bad he doesn't like Go Diego Go. I could kill to birds with one stone-


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Friday, August 24, 2007

The boy genius!

Here's my other part of the duo, Jared. Yes he is fabulously funny and amsuing as the picture notes! He just got his state testing back and scored crazy high in Math. Looks like he is in the top 5% of math students in the entire country(grade level). GO JARED!!!!

Also-Jared is starting winter baseball and has his first game this Saturday. He is on the Angels. Wish him luck. And for all of you Pokemon fans(and there are lots of you) Jared would like you to know that he caught a Giratina-which is a legendary Pokemon. Did you hear me??? I said LEGENDARY! heh-heh!

In terms of glass-I missed the deadline to enter a local one day show-oh well. I have the Great Women's Expo in a few weeks at the Anaheim Conventon Center and als Artistic License in October(so jazzed about that one). I have had bronchitis and miss K has been sick to so I have been out of the loop for a bit.

As Boy George would say-"I know you miss me, I know you miss me, I know you miss me bli-i-ind!"

I promise to be better!

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Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Have a nice day!!!!

Just wanted to say to all of you, if you are having a rough day (and I am and have been the last couple of days)-find someone to give you a smile like this. It will fix almost everything. I promise.

And if you can't find someone to give you a smile like that-come here and I will.

Peace to all-

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Saturday, August 11, 2007

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Butterflies are free........

and so am I!!!! At least free of most of my surgery pain. Almost! It's been awhile since I posted-I know you have all missed me terribly (admit it). So I am still bleeding through my nose every once in awhile but that has slowed down majorly! Think about that---ewwww! The kids are well. The pets are well. The husband is fabulous (as always)!

This pretty butterfly will soon be up in my Etsy shop. If you like it, I can do it in almost any color-so contact me and let me know what you want!

I was VERY busy in the studio today and will be posting some of the newer stuff I did once I slump it. I picked up some really cool slumping molds and should have some interesting plates and bowls out of the kiln by the end of tomorrow!

Well-it's late, and I am tired! XOXOXO
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Sunday, August 5, 2007

I survived the Surgery

I don't know why people would elect to have a nose job. I had a septoplasty to correct a deviated septum and the recovery SUUUUUUUUCKS! Can you say suck? I knew you could.

SO, my best friend Sherri was driving me home from the surgery center-all a bloody mess. and in pain. I kept thinking to myself "can I take it back?" " this hurts-I shouldn't have done it". And thgen I thought about how many actors and actresses do this electively.

CRAZY! NUTTY! WHY??????? I can't tell you how much this thing hurts all so I can breathe through my nose again(deviated septum). And these people do it "just because". Ummmm yeah-sign me up! NOT!

Sorry to post and run. My days have consisited of nausea, bleeding, not sleeping, being in pain and oh yeah-posting this blog!


Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Designed with a friend in mind

I have an IVF friend (go clams!) that is madly in love with lime. I have a lime plate set in my etsy store- , but it might be too big for her. So Anjie, here is a smaller gem for you. This is a lovely 4" by 4" candle holder. It is in a streaky lime glass and has the kelly green stripes for drama. I will be listing it in my shop later, but you know you want it so email me!

Or as they say in Hollywood-"Call me-we'll do lunch". Of course, everyone does lunch these days so why does Hollywood think it's so special?

In other news....I am having surgery for a deviated septum tomorrow! Tomorrow? YIKES! Fairly routine so all should be fine. I hope!

Be good, people!
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