Saturday, August 11, 2007

Butterflies are free........

and so am I!!!! At least free of most of my surgery pain. Almost! It's been awhile since I posted-I know you have all missed me terribly (admit it). So I am still bleeding through my nose every once in awhile but that has slowed down majorly! Think about that---ewwww! The kids are well. The pets are well. The husband is fabulous (as always)!

This pretty butterfly will soon be up in my Etsy shop. If you like it, I can do it in almost any color-so contact me and let me know what you want!

I was VERY busy in the studio today and will be posting some of the newer stuff I did once I slump it. I picked up some really cool slumping molds and should have some interesting plates and bowls out of the kiln by the end of tomorrow!

Well-it's late, and I am tired! XOXOXO
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1 comment:

Sygnet Creations said...

glad to hear all is well...