Monday, January 28, 2008

Recycled and wonderful

I am really getting into repurposing vintage items in conjunction with my glass. I think this piece is very interesting. I like the black watch dial! I have some other items on my Etsy shop, so check it out-

BTW-my breast tumor was benign. Get your mammograms ladies. I feel like I dodged a bullet!
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Friday, January 18, 2008

Aquarium of the Pacific

Here are some pics of the kiddos at the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach. We used to go all the time when Jared was a little boy. Now it's time to start taking Keelin. You can see her impression of the lorikeets! WE had an excellent time!!!!

In other news, Keelin has been the girl with all the doctors appointments this week. She is undergoing allergy tests, has a huge evil sinus infection and had to have some blood work drawn. It's been a long week! Jared has gone with us to all the docotrs appointments and has been SO PATIENT.

I will have to give you an update on the breast situation when I have more information. I have my aspiration on Monday and hopefully all is OK. I hope I get good drugs!

I have posted a few new things in ETSY so, feel free to look around!

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Sunday, January 13, 2008

EGA spring color challenge

So we were given a color pallete to chose from and then challenged ourselves to create glass items from the color pallete. I made this cantaloupe and dusty lilac 6" by 6" plate with a stripe of clear going down the middle. I also did up a little pendant that will end up in my shop......

The cantaloupe glass is really "salmon" officially but it matched very well......

Hope you are all having a good day. We went to the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach this morning. Keelin's first time there.........

Pics to follow!

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Friday, January 11, 2008

Take a load off

Just wanted to share this huge platter I did for an upcoming charity auction. It's a 16" by 16" platter with a 2 and 1/2" curve. Really lovely!

Still trying to figure out what to title it. It's very modern, obviously. Any suggestions, feel free!!! I will be listing it on Etsy in a naming contest- too so that's probably the place to go.
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Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Gymboree addicts in solidarity!!!

Good Morning!

This is a post and run, but for all of you Gymboree addicts out there-I wanted you to know YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

I was cruising Etsy when I found the most amazing metal artist. Her work is fantastic and I have added a link to her site, which you can find on the right side of the page. Her name is Jewelbabe. I convo'ed her to tell her howmuch I liked her stuff and also looked at her blog. She has the most beautiful grandbaby. Turns out she too, is addicted to Gymboree! She sends bags of stuff to her wee one.

The fact is, when I get in Gymboree, something comes over me. I am still about a good 15lbs above my pre-pregnancy weight(yeah, yeah I know). And besides that, Keelin pukes on me still and as a glass artist I would only RUIN nice clothes. Most days you will find me in jeans and a t-shirt. But I can live vicariously through Keelin in terms of my inner fashionista. She can be the best dressed kidlet on the block. I can exercise my sense of personal style through that little girl. I can go broke doing it!!!!!!

Fact of the matter is that she would have more clothes if she had less doctor appointments!!! SO for now-we buy Gymboree on sale only!!!!

Oh-btw, I have my surgical consult with the breast doctor today. Suspicious lump. Fingers crossed.

Sunday, January 6, 2008


Good morning to all......just adding a few new pieces to my store and also working on a 16 inch by 16 inch platter for a charity auction I am doing at the end of the month.......been up since 5 a.m. Oh the joys of babies who wake up and Mommies who are generally insomniacs......(that would be Keelin and me, respectively)

Back to the grind........



Friday, January 4, 2008

I love candy....

When I saw these jammies in Gymboree, they remind me of that song " I want Candy" in the early 80's. Bow Wow Wow, was the group-I think.

The day of this pic was the day she had her probe removed and the day after her gastric endoscopy. She was SOOOOOOO happpy that day. For some odd reason, she wanted Scooby-Doo bandaids. SHe had them on her hands and her feet. And these eyes!!! Holy cow, batman. SHe is such a pretty, bright girl.

Speaking of bright, she started actually repeating back a few words to us when we ask her. She has NEVER done this before in any fashion (not even repeating babbling). So this is a huge step for her to be able to repeat on command. She is not consistent but as I told her brother "She is not a trained parrot!!"

We are all happy. Going to visit their Aunt Joanie for xmas, part 50. Considering it it supposed to storm today that is unwise due to traffic. But alas ,a California storm involves three drops of rain, wind knocking over a patio chair..... 50 reporters with "storm coverage 2008" breathlessly talking to pedestrians in Hollywood about how bad the rain is. Yup. And the rumors are true. Californians can't drive in the rain.

No offense. Really-

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Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Funny Girl-great world!

Good Morning all! Just a quick post to say when I look at this picture, I see all the possibilities the world has to offer if you really take the time to look. And sometimes you just have to stick your tongue out at the world and take the occasional bad days and irony with a grain of salt. Or a salt lick. Or sometimes a salt quarry.

You get my drift........

Jared is off track until February. A good time will be had by all and no children will be harmed in the living of this off track. Heh-heh! He has been in a really good mood lately so that is helpful! Maybe he is maturing.

There will be some big goings on in glass on saturday. My IRL glass friend of mine is bequeathing me 80 lbs of bullseye scrap! You rock Jen! She has good scrap. We are going to hang out in Santa Monica-catch some tea and check out some galleries. I love it whne I get "Laura" time.

SPeaking of which-I hear children disagreeing (one is screeching)

Gotta run!

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Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Did you miss me?

Has it really been that long since I posted? Good lord-what a slacker. Finally living up to my GenX status. At least on my blog. Well there has been so much going on, I can't even begin to tell you. Seriously!!!!

Glass-glass is good! I am working on a wholesale line that seriously rocks (thanks to the prodding of my most excellent glass frined and artist extraordinaire, Jen.) YOu can all say "I knew her when....." I will have to post pics when I get a chance.

Kids-Jared and Keelin are great. Here is a pic of them a xmas. SOOOO cute. IT was a really great day-we did nothing but open presents and hang at the house.

Keelin's health has been interesting. She is in speech therapy now and had her gastric endoscopy last week as well as her 24 hour ph study for her ucky reflux. Turns out she has I small hiatal hernia that is causing some problems. Will know more on the 7th what the pediatric gastro wants to do and will have test and biopsy results back.

Me? All kinds of health drama-but why bore you with the details. The waiting is the hardest part. Go get your mammograms, please.

Happy new year to all-may it be prosperous, healthy, and filled with good things for you and your family. Sorry for being guilty of blog neglect. Don't turn me in!!!!!


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