Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

Oh My-the kids are getting big! Jared went with his friend Daniel to scour the neighborhood. Keelin went with me while Kris manned the posts at the house.

Jared was a sorcerer(no picture of him in costume to prove it though!). Keelin was a pumpkin princess. The witch was the witch(Sams club purchase this morning for 34.98!!! What a deal!)

Keelin really did well tonight. She got over her initial fear of all the masked people and went door to door on FOUR STREETS! Holy cow!

THis is what she said in her apraxia speak. "Happy Hadoween" "Tik oh trt"(trick or treat) and "Tayt-too"(Thank You). I asked her if she wanted to go home or do one more street and she said "wan mo teet-chokut nanyee". One more street-chocolate candy. She is trying much more these days and while not all of it is correct(ok not most of it) once we figure out what she is trying to say we can usually get it again.

Speech therapy is still twice a week and group activity once a week. She sees the eye doctor for her Amblyopia next week.


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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Seeing Stars

Per several requests, here is an example of what the stars look like. I can do them in any color you want!! I made 32 of them for my show and I have a feeling they will be popular. Several neighbors and friends have asked for me to make some for them. Which I think is wonderful! I like that people are willing to support handmade!!!

Email me at with any questions, comments, tidings of comfort and joy-which is funny as it isn't even Halloween yet and I have to be in Christmas mode!
I will absolutely give a volume discount!


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Much to my happiness, I was able to locate MORE of these frames. I did a nationwide search through the retailer and got a total of 12 more frames of various sizes.Ask me how happy I am!

Here are the last three styles of the flowers for your viewing enjoyment. I expect that I will do well with them at the show-the response has been very positive!



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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Alittle something....

So, I was at the outdoor mall near our house and one of the homefurnishing stores had these FABULOUS wall frames.....I saw them and immediately knew what I was going to do with them. Well almost immediately---

I thought I was going to do some glass landscape panels and affix them to the frames. I did one landscape and decided it was too busy for the frames and made some flower panels instead. I didn't post them all up, but here are two of the five I made. I am trying to get some more of these frames-they are so awesome. I LOVE THEM!!!! I think they turned out super!

I made some star ornaments which are cool too-I will have to post a pic, as well. Those are TIME CONSUMING as they involve eight cuts of glass per piece. And assembling that!

Wish me luck at my show!

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Sunday, October 12, 2008

It was a glass day, all day


let me start by saying hello to all. Just a quick post and run. I have been buried with work for my upcoming show Artistc License in Costa Mesa, CA. It's in two weeks and I am cranking out inventory. Bowls, plates, ornaments. The ornaments are new-I don't usually do them, but with the economy being so bad, I need to have some lower price points in stock. This is a juried show, and I did not jury with jewelry so I can't bring any of my jewelry items...... you see my problem!

I will post pictures soon!

Be good to each other!
